► Support Services
For Your Assistance & Support
COMMUNITY OUTREACH WITH HOMELESS PREVENTION COUNCIL (HPC) - Case Manager will be here one afternoon a week for community outreach (SNAP/food stamps, fuel assistance, housing, and other community resources). schedule an appointment at HPC (508)255-9667. THURSDAYS 12:00-2:30
FUEL ASSISTANCE– Program runs November 1st to April 30th. Serving 60+ at the Center. Please call Sally Welch to schedule an appointment with her Tuesday or Wednesday.
LEGAL ASSISTANCE- 60 years of age or older, by appointment, in-person legal assistance with Atty. Andrew Bardetti. Call South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc. at (508)775-7020 for intake & scheduling.
SHINE PROGRAM- (Serving Health Information Needs of Everyone): A visit or phone call with a State certified SHINE counselors at the Wellfleet Adult Community Center to help you understand health care coverage, review cost increases, and find out what’s new with Medicare. Call the Center to book your appointment.
VISIT A FRIEND PROGRAM- Are you no longer driving and missing social visits with your friends? Here’s your chance to keep connected with weekly visits through the Center. Transportation to a visit a friend on. Reservations required 1 week in advance. We will pick you up, deliver you to a friend for a 2 hour visit, then return you home. (Within Wellfleet) TUESDAYS 11:00-1:00
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOANS- Wheelchairs, walkers, shower seats, and other durable medical equipment may be available for you to borrow.
REASSURANCE PROGRAM- Do you live alone or know someone that does? The Senior Center works with the Wellfleet Police Department to support the Reassurance Program. This allows elders living independently the chance to check in with someone daily. To register for this program please contact Cindy at (774) 801-3153. Remember the Reassurance Program phone number is used for non-emergency calls. Should you have an emergency, please remember to call 911.
TOWN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE SERVICES– This is a service provided by the VNA of Cape Cod, separate from Certified Skilled Homecare Services. Assisting with–
~Medication management ~Liaison for community resources
~ Help navigating healthcare ~Education
~ Advanced directive assistance ~ Home safety assessment
DR. MARLENE DENESSEN, PHD- Counseling services. She is a senior professional and can help with all kinds of life situations, welcoming new patients. Call 508-896-7790 for more information.
PARKINSON’S PEER SUPPORT GROUP- Open to people with Parkinson’s and their care partners, a peer led support group. Registration is required. Please contact Hilary at the Orleans COA to register or for additional information at 860-214-5615 4th THURSDAY 2:00
WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP– Please contact facilitator, Ginny Dutra, RN, to pre-register or with any questions ginny.2000@hotmail.com or 508-648-1639.
2nd and 4th WEDNESDAYS.
MEN’S GROUP FOR RETIRING AND AGING- Consider joining us if you are interested in meeting with other men for socialization, support & meaningful, confidential conversation. Please address your inquiries or express your interest by calling the Center at 508-349-0313. New members will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP- Groups are facilitated by experienced bereavement professionals and are FREE of charge. Please contact Jeanne Burke, the Bereavement Coordinator to confirm the group has any openings and to pre -register (required) in advance.:
508-740 -2370 or jmburke@capecodhealth.org
PODIATRY SERVICES- Dr. Frank Campo provides podiatry services for older adults. Appointments must be booked through the Wellfleet COA. New patients must be Wellfleet residents.